No shortcuts or cheap imitations.

Plus toll-free telephone orders, too!
We are a GMP
Rated facility, so what we say is in the bottle is really IN the bottle.
Sure, it's extremely difficult to get certified,
but we feel the extra effort is worth it. Don't you agree?
Perfect for Busy Fitness Professionals

The best aspect from a business perspective is the sale and distribution of the product. It fits right into our nutritional model and we never have to lift a finger or touch a product. It's shipped priority to our clients directly from the source. There is zero cost for us which is one of the best benefits. Getting paid for making a life changing recommendation. It's a blessing.”
Thank you, Thomas Furious
Heavier Lifts

My overall performance is improving, but I notice it most in my heavier lifts. I got my first barbell shoulder press with 170 lb yesterday, plus my first unilateral dumbbell high pulls with 100 lb (each arm). Though I know many people will get heavier lifts than mine, I am thrilled!
I have a goal of being able to do a 100 lb dumbbell clean & press with one arm by my 58th birthday, which is in August, and I believe I will make it. Your excellent products definitely are helping move ahead faster. "
Lastly, my clients are very impressed with the quality of the products also!"
Frank DiMeo,
Gulf Coast Cross Fit
Gulf Coast Cross Fit
Thank you for a quality product!

AND the great thing is: my clients spontaneously tell me how pleased they are too!
My family and I thank you and your team.
Daniel Iversen,
Portland, OR
Portland, OR
Pleased Clients

I continue to emphasize their worth and benefit in each of my newsletters and blog posts. It's good stuff.
Steve Payne,
San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX
Testimonials are not a guarantee of your results. Your individual results may vary.